Code of Conduct

Learning on Graphs Conference, 2023

Code of conduct

We strive to hold a conference in which any person can meaningfully participate in the LoG community through: sharing ideas, presenting their work, meeting members of the community, learning from other people’s work, and discussing ways to improve the community. This conference will work towards preventing any type of discrimination based on age, disability, ethnicity, experience in the field, gender identity, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics. We strictly prohibit any actions that may prevent the participation of any attendee, including: bullying, harassment, inappropriate media, offensive language, violence, zoom bombing, and so on.

Please report any violations of the code of conduct to the conference organizers, either at or through any other channels. If requested, we can handle these reports anonymously, to protect the person making the report. Violators of the code of conduct will be asked to stop their inappropriate behavior, and may be removed from their right to participate in the conference. Further disciplinary action such as bans from future iterations of the conference may be taken, under the discretion of the LoG organizers.

We took inspiration from the codes of conduct of: ICLR 2022, NeurIPS 2022, ICML 2022.